It’s World Swimming Day! Here’s Why Swimming Is Beneficial To Your Physical Health

Cynergi Health & Fitness | Why Swimming Is Beneficial To Your Physical Health | World Swimming Day

It’s the 22nd of October which means… It’s World Swimming Day! For those swimmers out there, today’s your day! It may be October, but the water is still warm, so check out why swimming is beneficial to your physical health and head to the beach!

If you can’t endure the slight drop in temperature, a pool is still an option! You should definitely visit our gym facilities in St. Julian’s and benefit from our training pool.

Swimming is the ultimate way to cleanse your body and mind from stress – while still working out.  Here’s why swimming is beneficial to your physical health and why you should get started on swimming regularly:

Cynergi Health & Fitness | Why Swimming Is Beneficial To Your Physical Health | Person Swimming

1. Your Entire Body Is Physically Active

One of the biggest benefits of swimming is that it truly works out your whole body – from head to toe. It increases your heart rate without stressing your body while also toning your muscles and building strength.

2. Works Your Insides, Too!

While your muscles are getting a good workout, your cardiovascular system is too. Swimming makes your heart and lungs strong and helps endurance. Swimming is so good for you that researchers have found that compared with inactive people, swimmers have about half the risk of death.

Cynergi Health & Fitness | Why Swimming Is Beneficial To Your Physical Health | Head Dive

3. It’s Safe For People With Conditions

If you’re still recovering from an injury, or you’ve got arthritis or a disability, swimming is an easy way to still be active yet exercise safely. The same applies to those who have other issues that make high-impact exercise difficult.

Swimming may even help reduce some of your pain or improve your recovery from an injury. Studies show that significant swimming reduces joint pain and stiffness. Meanwhile, people who swim often experience less physical limitation afterwards when engaging in other activities like climbing and cycling.

4. A Good Option For People With Asthma

Swimming is great for people who suffer from chronic lung conditions such as asthma. Asthma sufferers, especially those with sports-induced asthma, can experience trouble because the loss of heat and moisture in the bronchial tubes causes the tubes to contract. Not only that, but breathing exercises associated with the sport, like holding your breath, may help you expand your lung capacity and gain control over your breathing.

5. Swimming Makes You Smarter As You Age Healthier

Swimming improves memory function and thinking skills which is beneficial for us as we age. Regular swimming can delay the effects of ageing by reducing blood pressure, increasing muscle mass, improving oxygen and blood flow to the brain, as well as improving cardiovascular health. Swimming also improves mood, anxiety, and stress, which increases the brain’s ability to think more efficiently.

If you’re convinced why swimming is beneficial to your physical health, visit our gym in St. Julian’s and reach out to one of our personal trainers at Cynergi Health & Fitness Club so that you can swim all-year-long and start seeing results! Make an appointment today with our swimming instructor!