Finding the Right Diet

By now you have probably read about countless diets that exist and may or may not be confused on which the right one to follow is. The truth is there are many effective and healthy diets out there to achieve your goals. The trick to finding a sustainable nutritional approach is being conscientious and some trial and error. Studies have found a strong positive relationship between mindfulness and healthier eating. In this article I delve deeper into our bodily response to food and some of the more common diets around.

What does finding the right diet actually mean?

By now, you are probably aware that there is no ‘one size that fits all’ when it comes to nutrition strategies. We are all different and therefore our diet usually needs to be too. In theory, a diet should meet individual energy and protein requirements based upon our personal weight and height measures. It is important to get the right vitamins and minerals to avoid deficiencies and maintaining a good hydration status is vital to staying energized. This should result in being strong and healthy and provide you with the ability to be within the ideal weight for your height.


Although the principle of what a diet should consist of is important to pin down, there then are all the internal and external stimuli to consider. By this I mean digestion and the digestive system aren’t always straightforward, we have all experienced tummy aches, bloating and other uncomfortable issues. Also, food choices are endless and diverse not always making it easy to eat well.

Is there a specific approach to achieving a healthy diet?

The approach to a suitable diet can vary greatly. This usually involves changing the macronutrient (carbohydrates, protein and fat) quality and quantity. Although general guidelines and recommendations on how much to take do exist, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are what’s best on an individual level.

Other strategies which are commonly adopted when trying to find the right eating habits are changing the timing. One may choose the route of little and often, whereas others prefer fasting. Both have been found to be beneficial.

What needs to be considered when finding a suitable diet?

Finding the right dietary approach is a long and ever shifting process. The reason for these adjustments is because from birth the human body is constantly changing and that means so do our nutritional needs. At any stage some parameters do need to be taken into account. These are gender, age, body shape, food & diet preference, food sensitivities & intolerances, your activity level and the goal you would like to set.

What are some common tried and tested diets?

Low Carb High Protein Diets

Many varieties of Low carb high protein diets exist. Usually a low-carb diet restricts the intake of carbohydrates, such as those found in sugary foods, pasta and bread. It is high in protein, fat and healthy vegetables. This style of eating can be great for weight loss and maintenance, and is often satisfying without causing bloating and other symptoms. On the flip side, reducing carbs too much may lead to fatigue and dizziness, so it may not be for everyone.

Ketogenic Diet

A Ketogenic diet involves having a very high fat intake, about 75%, while having very little carbs, below 5% usually. It will trigger the body to go into ketosis, where the body uses ketones as the source of fuel rather than glucose. This diet is definitely not for the faint hearted, can be quite restricted and requires planning to be able to get it right. A long list of recorded benefits has been found and there are a lot of emerging studies and resources on this, especially for therapeutic uses such as in epilepsy.

Intermittent fasting

The diet known as Intermittent fasting, where one eats normally some days and little to nothing other days, has become somewhat popular. Proponents of intermittent fasting believe it’s a good way to not only shed body weight quickly but also to reduce risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. Others see intermittent fasting as a poor choice for dieting and harmful to one’s health. The evidence again is mixed here and it’s certainly not for everyone but for those that do follow it claim it requires less thought.

Mindful eating

Mindful eating is a practice that involves actually paying attention to all the minor details of food planning, eating and our bodily reactions. The reason why this can be so important is because with all the modern day distractions around, we don’t actually pay much attention to food and end up overeating. When it comes to practicing mindful eating there is everything to gain and nothing to lose really. But it is easy to forget.

Speciality diet

So many of these Speciality diets now exist it’s hard to keep track. Gluten free, celiac, lactose free, grain free, vegetarian, vegan and the list goes on. Everyone is entitled to their own food choices and their reasons behind them. It is after all a free world. Also these diets can be done very healthily; it all involves being well informed and ensuring that even if whole food groups are being left out that all the nutrients are being taken.

To conclude, food shouldn’t just be pleasure but every bite is an opportunity to nourish your body. Whether you choose one single diet to follow or a combination, always listen to your body and make smart choices. The team at Cynergi will also be happy to advise you on suitable and unsuitable diets based on your training regime and fitness goals. To find out more on the best diet for you, get in touch with a qualified nutritionist.

Maxine is a registered Nutritionist with a BSc (Hons) in Human Nutrition. Keep updated with nutritional advice and healthy meal inspiration on MNutrition